Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

the simple past and past continous tense

The simple past tense

1.(+) affirmative sentences : S+ V PAST+(O)
Examples:  Lina studied english an hour ago
                  May parents lived here in the 1990s
2.(-) Negative sentences : S+Did not +V base+ (O)
Examples : Lina Did not study English an hour ago
           May parents did not live here in the 1990s
3.(?) Interrogative sentences : Did + S+V BASE+(O)+?
Examples: Did Lina study english an hour ago?
           Did your pareents live here in the 1990s?
Sometimes a sentences doesn’t have a verb,It has a noun ,an adjective or an adjective or an adverb.
For this sentences ,use to be : was/were
1.(+ ) affirmative sentences : S+was/were+N/Adj/adv.+ (adv. Of time)
Examples: Andri was here some hours ago
                 Mr.tony was a teacher when he was young
          The children were students of this school
2.(-) Negative sentences : S+was/were+Not+N/Adj/adv.+ (adv. Of time)
 Examples: Andri was not here some hours ago
                  Mr.tony was not a teacher when he was young
            The children were not  students of this school
3.(?) Interrogative sentences : Was/were+ S+ +N/Adj/adv.+ (adv. Of time)
Examples: Was  andri here some hours ago?
                 Was Mr.tony a teacher when he was young?
            Were The children students of this school ?
Regular verbs
In regular verbs, the verbs end in-ed. Pay attention to the following rules.
1.verbs end in.. -e (add-d) >>
Ex: smile -> smiled
2.consonant +-y (change –y to-i,then add-ed>> deny->denied
3. vowel+ consonant (not –w otr y) double the consonant ,then add-ed
4. anything including –w (add-ed ) >> knock -> knocked
Irregular verbs
The verbs usually do not end in –ed
Ex: build->built
Meanwhile there some verbs past which are similar to their verbs base.
Ex:broadcast-> broadcast

The past continous tense
The sentences uses the past continius tense. It is used:
1.To talk about an action which was in progress at a ceratain time in the past
S+ (was/were+V-Ing+....) adv of time
Examples : mirna was writing a novel at about 7 p.m last night
           The students were having a geograpy class 11 a.m yesterday

2.To talk aboyt two actionsa that occurred at the same time.One action began earlier and was in progrss when the other action occurred
Example: the children were having lunch when their mother came home
Meaning :the children Had lunch when their mother came home ,
Meaning : The children had lunch,then their mother came home. A fter that,the children probabbly still had lunch.

While/when +S1 pat continius tense + S2+Simple past
Examples :
While I was sleepping the phone rang
When mr.jono was having a meeting a blast aound was heard
S1+Past continus +when _S2+Simplepast
We was listening to the CD when someone knocked on the door
The teacher was explaining the lesson when the blackout happend
We can use when/while with the past continius tense,ut we can only use when before the simple past tense

3.To talk about two long actions that were in the progress simultaneously
Example: I was studying, y mother was cooking
Meaning :studying needs much time,cooking also needs much time. They are considered as inthe same lenghth of time
While/when +S1 pat continius tense + S2+paast continus tense
While mrs. Joe was cleaning the garden Mr.joe was plowing his field.
While the children were practicing singing the teenagers were preparing for a drama

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