Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Simple present tense

Simple present tense


Is used to indicate situation that exists right now it is used for general  statement of fact and used for habitual or everyday activity


Habitual action

-Doni usually eats fried rice for breakfast

General truth

-A year has twelve months


Simple present pattern :


1. nominal (kalimatdengan predikat bukan kata kerja, kata kerjanya berupa To Be: I, Am, Are).

Ex.   (+)Heis a lawyer(S+to be+ C)

      (-)He is not a lawyer (S +To be+not+C)

      (?)Is he a lawyer (to be + S+ c)


When using word questions(W/H QUESTIONS SUCH,What,who,when,why,where,which,how),we simply put the question word in the beginning of the sentence and followed by the form of questionpattern above.

Ex:  Why is he she angry?

(W/H question +tobe+S+C)


2.Verbal (kalimat dengan predikat berupa kata kerja )

(+) S +verb1-s?es +O/C/Adv

    I study english eveyday

    He plays basketball evey Tuesday

(-)s+do/does+not +verb1+O/c/adv

   They do not eat meat

   She does not borrow comics eveyday


   Do you drink beer?

   Does she understand the lesson?


Spelling of third person singular forms

a.Most verbs :

add-s to infinitive

ex: work – works




b.verb ending in consonants+y

ex: fly-flies




c. verds ending in –s,-z,-ch, or –x

Add –es to infinitive

Ex: miss-misses





d. verbs ending in vocals –o :

 Add –es toinfinitive

Ex : go-goes



Additional  : have-has


Does=he, she, it, Mr. Bayu, Miss Kartini


Adverd of time (keterangan waktu)


-every week

-in the morning

-every / each

-every month

-every year

-at seven

-once / twice a day


Adverb of frequency  ( keterangan pengulangan )








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