Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Giving Instruction

Giving Instruction

   Giving Instruction is an expression that is used in order that other person does what we  instruct or request. Instruction ( also called imperatives
Instruction require the person receiving them to do something, or to do stop doing it.
Instruction are directly addressed to the person who has to do them. Therefore,
instruction are one of the few types of English sentences that do not need a subject !
the subject is usually “ you “ ( understood ). If there is any doubt who should do the
instruction, the “ naming “ form the vocative is used.
 Asking for Instructions (Meminta
How do you (do this)?How do I…?
What is the best way to…?
How do I go about it?
What do you suggest?
How do you suggest I proceed?
What is the first step?
Giving Instructions (Memberikan instruksi)
First, (you)…          
Then, (you)…
Next, (you)…
Lastly, (you)…
 Starting out (Instruksi untuk melakukan tahap pertama)
Before you begin, (you should…)        
The first thing you do is…
I would start by…
The best place to begin is…
to begin with,
Continuing (Instruksi untuk melanjutkan)
After that,
The next step is to…
The next thing you do is…
Once you’ve done that, then…
When you finish that, then…
Finishing (Instruksi untuk menyelesaikan)
The last step is…
The last thing you do is…
In the end,
When you’ve finished,
When you’ve completed all the steps
Note : The tense used in giving instruction is “simple present”
When the commanding word is a verb, you can use the infinitive without to.
Example :
• Write the sentences ! If you do not use a verb as a commanding word, you use be + adjective.
Example :

 Be quiet !
Be diligent!
Be strong!
When you forbid someone to do something, you use don’t + verb infinitive without to.
Example :
• Don’t touch me !
• Don’t cry !
• Don’t close the web page !
You often put the word ‘ please ‘ at the beginning or at the end of an instruction. You use it to make the instruction sounds more polite.
Example :
• Please, sit down / sit down, please.
Sequence, or order, is important in giving instructions.
Firstly become the first step is
First of all become the first stage is
To begin with become begins with
Initially become commences with
Beforehand become before this
Previously become  prior to this
At the same time become during
Simultaneously become  when this happens and  whille
Secondly,thirdly etc become after this
Next become the next step is
Then become  the in the next step
Subsequently become in the following  stage
later become following this and as soon as the committe has finished its work
eventually become until
lastly become finishes with
finally become concludes

Instructions can be given in many ways. A list with the imperative form of the verb and words such as "first, "then, "next" is one common way. Continuous text using the present tense form of  the verb with you and should is another common way. Make sure you distinguish between giving instructions - that is, telling someone how to do something - and describing a process - that is describing how something happens. Look at the following examples of different ways of giving instructions. 

Notice the highlighted language items:

Calculating the standard deviation
First, put the scores in order down the page.
Then, work out the mean.
Now calculate how much each deviates from the mean.
Next, square each of these deviations.
Add them all up.
Now divide by the number of scores.
Lastly find the square root.
This is the standard deviation.

 Kevin : Would you mind helping me for a minute.Justin ?
Justin : I’d be glad to, Kevin. What do you want
 me to do ?
Kevin : Help me hang up this picture. Hold it
             straight while I put in the nail.
justin : Yes, it’s straight, but it’s upside down.
The example expressions of giving instruction
      Open your book!
      Close the door, please!
      Be quiet, please!
      Move the chair!
      Open the window!
      Pass me the sugar, please!
      Stand up, please!

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