Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

the present perfect tense

The present perfect tense

It is used to refer to :
·         An action or situation which began in the past and is still current
·         An action or event whichtook place in the past, where the exact time of the event is not specified or not clear
·         An action or event which has just happened

1.verbal  statement
(+) s+have/has +v3+o/c
I have taught english here for ten years
 (-)s+have/has +not/v3+o/c
i have not taught english here for ten years
(?)have/has +s+v3+o/c?
Have you taught english here for ten years?

2.Nominal statement
(+) s +have/has +been+c
She has been in bali since 2009
(-) s+have/has +not+been+c
She has not been in bali since 2009
(?)have/has+ s+been+c?
Has she been in bali since 2009

We use the present perfect tense
1.          To talk about life experiences
John has traveled all over the world
I’ve never stayed overnight in a hospital
2.   To talk about change over a period of time,contrasting the past with the present
They have made the exams more difficult
The climate has got warmer
3.    To talk about achievements
Man has walked on the moon
Scientists have identified all the genes in human DNA
4.   To talk about mulitiple actions repeated at different times.
 we’ve won six matches this season
 I’ve seen this fillm three times

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