Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

announcement,messages,and personal letters

An announcement can be spoken or written.An announcement is a simple text/note to inform something to the targeted listeners.when you deliver An announcement ,make sure that you state what event it is,what time the event will be held , where it will be held and who the announcement is  for.
·         The title/ type of event
·         Date/time, Place, and
·         contact person


·         Television
·         Radio
·         Newspaper
·         Billboard
·         Magazine, etc.

Spoken text           
Attention please ,the conversation club today will start at 2 p.m. we will watch a movie, for students who join the club,please be ready at that time in the school lab. Thank you'

A message in its most general meaning is an object of communication. It is a vessel which provides information. Yet, it can also be this information. Therefore, its meaning is dependent upon the context in which it is used; the term may apply to both the information and its form. A communiqué (pronounced /kəˈmjuːnɨkeɪ/) is a brief report or statement released by a public agency.
More precisely, in communications science, a message is information which is sent from a source to a receiver. Some common definitions include:
  • Any thought or idea expressed in a language, prepared in a form suitable for transmission by any means of communication.
  • An arbitrary amount of information whose beginning and end are defined or implied.
In communication between humans, messages can be verbal or nonverbal:
  • A verbal message is an exchange of information using words. Examples include face-to-face communication, telephone calls, voicemails, etc.
  • A nonverbal message is communicated through actions or behaviors rather than words. Examples include the use of body language and the actions made by an individual idea..
  • Message passing is a form of communication used in concurrent and parallel computing, object-oriented programming, and interprocess communication, where communication is made by sending messages to recipients. In a related use of this sense of a message, in object-oriented programming languages such as Smalltalk or Java, a message is sent to an object, specifying a request for action.
Instant messaging and e-mail are examples of computer software designed for delivering his is the example of personal letter.

Example of message: 

 To: mom
Mom, i am playing soccer with my friends at the pitch. I have finished my homework, fed the fish in the aquarium and the chicken in the backyrd. I would be home l
Personal letters
A letter is  message on a sheet of paper which is put in an evelope and we send a  personal letter to people who have a close relationship with us,such as  our friends or relatives.
Example of personal letter

A personal letter is a type of letter which provides communication between a small number of people, usually two. Personal letters may be short or long but they usually chatty and informal. There are many types of personal letters and they are written for a wide variety of reasons:

The following links go to real-life templates of the most commonly requested person-to-person letters:
Character reference letter - personal friend/colleague reference.
Church letter - to parents re: child's birthday.
Condolence letter - to an acquaintance or colleague.
Friendly letter - to a colleague and sports buddy.
Goodbye letter - farewell letter to co-workers.
Love letter - to someone you've known for a while.
Letter of apology - to a neighbor or acquaintance.
Letter of complaint - water damage complaint to neighbor.
Letter of congratulations - to a friend or colleague.
Letter of personal reference - recommending a personal friend.
Letter of resignation - resign from a committee.
Letter of sympathy - to family of a friend and/or colleague.
Letter of thanks - to friends or acquaintances.
Letter of welcome - to a new community member.
Romantic love letter - after a special evening.
Teacher letter to parents - beginning of year guidelines.
Thank you letter - personal thanks to a family member.
Person-to-business letters
Person-to-person letters are letters that one individual sends to business. Usually, using formal words.
   Letters that some people loosely define as personal letters which are NOT personal letters at all include: covering letters, employee letters, introduction letters, marketing letters, publicity letters, project letters, customer relation letters, financial and credit letters, order-related letters, sales and marketing letters, follow-up letters, announcements, fundraising letters, among others.

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