Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

giving attention

 Giving  attention

1.Giving attention is attitude to show or ask attention from other people
2.Giving Attention is way or expression that is spoken so that other people     
    will pay their attention to what we want to.

 -Use to give or attract attention people when you tell story , you can  use questions to attract    
   your listeners attention.

-When you listen to a story you can use several expressions to show that you are paying 
  attention to what is being talked.

To find attention, the other people, so the other pay attention with.

In a social life,we need to pay attentionvto other people showing that we care about them
Here are other expressions to show your attention

·         Yesterday was the best time in my life
·         My family and i will have a holiday in lombok!
·         Our principle will retire at the end of this yer
·         I have done the assignment
·         I met Mr.Arman and his family in yhe mall yesterday
·         The sow was amazing
Showing attention
·         Really?what happened ?
·         Will you?
·         Will he?who told you?
·         Have you?
·         And then what did you do?
·         Was it? Tell me more about it.

Conversation of giving attention

Sri         : you look very tired ! Didn’t you have a good  sleep last night?
Bayu     : No,I didn’t                                        
Sri         : what happened ?were you sick?
Bayu     : No, I wans’t .It’s just last night was so sultry that i couldn’t 
               Even close my eyes
sri           : i see. But you have a fan in your room don’t you?
Bayu       : yes, I do. But , it didn’t work
Sri          : poor you

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