Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

part of body and vocabulary

Vocabs (Shapes, Part of body)

Vocab is a collection of words alphabetized; a dictionary or the collection of words one knows and uses.

Pentagon and hexagon 






Tear drop

Simple Straight sided shapes
  • Rectangle
  • Square
  • Triangle
Simple Rounded shapes
  • Circle
  • Oval
Types of triangles
  • Equilateral triangle
  • Isosceles triangle
  • Right angled triangle

3D shapes
  • Cone
  • Cube
  • Cylinder
  • Pyramid
  • Rectangular Prism
  • Sphere

Mathematical shapes
  • Parallelogram
  • Pentagon - 5 sides
  • Hexagon - 6 sides
  • Octagon - 8 sides
Miscellaneous shapes
  • Coffin
  • Diamond
  • Heart
  • Kite
  • Petal
  • Shell
  • Star
  • Teardrop                           
human body

  • foot=kaki 
  • leg=kaki
  • face=wajah
  • neck=leher
  • mouth=mulut
  • lip=bibir
  • eyelid=kelopak mata
  • eyebrow=alis
  • eyes= mata 
  • Eyelash=Bulu mata
  • Nostril=Lubang hidung
  • hand=tangan
  • Cheek=Pipi
  • Mustache=Kumis
  • Beard=Jambang/janggut
  • Throat=Tenggorokan
  • nose=hidung
  • fore head=dahi
  • ear=telinga
  • hair=rambut
  • head=kepala
  • elbow=siku
  • knee=lutut
  • chest=dada
  • ankle=pergelangan kaki
  • arm=lengan
  • Palm=Telapak tangan
  • Forearm=Lengan bawah
  • Armpit=Ketiak 
  • shoulder=bahu
  • bottom=pantat
  • thigh=paha
  • calf=betis
  • heel=tumit
  • little toe= jari kelingking kaki
  • big toe=ibu jari kaki
  • toe nail=kuku jari
  • thumb=jempol
  • middle finger=jari tengah 
  • index finger=jari telunjuk
  • finger nail=kuku jari
  • ring finger=jari manis
  • little finger=jari kelingking
  • knuckle=buku jari
  • Instep=Kura-kura kaki
  • Calf=Betis
  • Sole=Telapak kaki
  • wrist=pergelangan tangan

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